
What are you "working forward to?"

I drove by a car dealership today and noticed a really nice red corvette sitting in the lot. I've never driven or ridden in a corvette, but have always thought of a corvette as my dream car. I turned to my wife and said I should go take one for a test drive.

She didn't think that would be a good idea as then I would want to buy one (sooner than later).

In a bit of a tongue tied moment I said taking one for a test drive would be incentive as something "to work forward to." I had meant to say something to look forward to, but my mind mashed that together with something to work toward.

I thought that was a great new saying and had visions of trademarking it and writing a book and starting a whole motivational series; however, a quick google search showed I'm only one of over 200,000 people to come up with this saying.

Originality aside, it is still a great thing to think about. What are you working forward to?

It is so easy to get into a routine of getting up each morning, going to work and putting in your day, coming home, having supper, watching TV, going to bed, getting up in the morning, going to work...

If you don't know what you're working forward to, how are you going to move forward? You could wake up one morning and find your life has passed you by. Einstein said, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Everyone has dreams and looks forward to travelling; owning a corvette (insert your dream car); spending time with your family; ...

So often we have an attitude of entitlement and "look forward" to everything being handed to us when we retire, but what action are you taking to make that happen, to get ahead in life?

What are you working forward to? Think about this so when you wake up tomorrow morning you can start working toward achieving that.

Me, I'm working forward to having the time and money to travel, to buy that red corvette (sooner than later), to provide for my family... I would like to have the financial resources to allow me to go to Japan or some other disaster relief location.

Feel free to comment and share what you are working forward to.

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