
Storm blamed for multiple accidents

A Free Press article today covering yesterday's storm attributes it as the cause of a number of accidents in the area: "Accidents occurred throughout the day, including one at Adelaide and Oxford streets, where a vehicle crashed into a former bank building."

However, I have firsthand knowledge of this particular accident at Adelaide and Oxford and the weather wasn't a factor in this case. The vehicle in question bounced off my vehicle while my wife was driving home from work yesterday. She's OK, haven't heard yet how our car is fairing. And the decision is still out on who's to blame. We receive the police report later today. We're pretty sure that she won't be found to blame. I'll post an update on the report and the status of the car when I know more.

In the meantime, we have a Ford Explorer to replace ours.

(Photo: Dave Chidley, The London Free Press)
  • Update (16/10/06): My wife thought the Ford Explorer was too big, so we've exchanged it for a Hyundai Tucson. Doesn't have the intimidating factor, but a sporty ride. Haven't received the police report yet. And they haven't surveyed the damage to our vehicle yet, so no update there either.
  • Update (19/10/06): Just heard from the dealership on the assessment of the car - $11,953 damage.

    Also, my wife talked to the officer last night. The other driver, 86 years old, was coming from an eye appointment. So, he hasn't been charged yet as the officer is waiting to talk to the eye doctor. However, the officer told my wife that someone has to be charged, and because he hasn't been able to determine the charge for the other guy yet, he charged my wife with "left turn fail to afford reasonable opportunity to avoid collision." Yeah, like my wife purposely hit the guy. She waited until the light was about to turn red, if it hadn't already. I think that gave the guy reasonable opportunity to stop.

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