
Famous last words

  • Are you sure the power is off?
  • don't be superstitious.
  • Double dare me.
  • Help!
  • He's probably just hibernating.
  • Hey, watch this!
  • I'll get a world record for this.
  • I'm making a citizen's arrest.
  • I've seen this done on TV.
  • I wonder where the mother bear is.
  • That's odd.
  • That stuff only happens in the movies.
  • The odds of that happening have to be a million to one.
  • These are the good kind of mushrooms.
  • This doesn't taste right.
  • Well, we've made it this far.
  • what does this button do?
  • What duck?
  • I think it's dead.
  • It's only a little one.
  • Does this go any faster?
  • No, Tony, I don't have any money.
  • I built it myself.
  • I don't need a helmet.

You may laugh at some of these, but it's lack of common sense that can kill.

I took a wilderness first aid course a couple weeks ago, and when you're in an emergency situation and you're in a remote area with no way to get immediate help there's three levels of a situation.
  1. Bad
  2. Very bad
  3. Too bad
There's only so much someone can do in the wilderness to help if you get injured or suffer a medical emergency. So, you better hope that your injury or condition doesn't fall into the last category.

An example is if you get bit in the but by a poisonous snake. You're last words are going to be, "I've been bit in the ass; you've got to suck the poison out." If it was me out there with you, my response is going to be, "That's just too bad." ;)

(To be socially conscious, I just want to point out that sucking out the poison isn't actually how you treat a snake bite.)

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